address education inequality

Our goal is to revolutionize education for Nepali children and Our goal is to address education inequality especially around girls and STEM by introducing a New Green Learning Agenda. We are committed to fostering a generation of environmentally conscious and scientifically literate youth through the creation of outdoor classrooms and hands-on STEM curriculum. By transforming school grounds into outdoor living classrooms, integrating nature into the learning environment and emphasizing practical, real-world applications of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, we aim to inspire curiosity, promote sustainability, and empower especially young Nepali girls to become innovative green leaders who will drive positive change in their communities and beyond.

Our Outdoor climate/STEM centered education program brings numerous values to Nepal, enhancing both the educational landscape and the broader community. Here are some key benefits:

Enhanced Learning Experiences
Engagement and Motivation
Outdoor learning can make education more engaging and enjoyable, increasing students' interest and motivation in STEM subjects.
Hands-on Learning: Practical, real-world applications of STEM concepts help students understand and retain knowledge better.

Environmental Awareness and Stewardship
Connection to Nature
: Students develop a deeper appreciation for the natural environment, fostering a sense of responsibility for its preservation.
Sustainability Practices: Learning about sustainable practices encourages students to adopt eco-friendly habits and advocate for environmental conservation.
Health and Well-beingPhysical Activity: Outdoor classrooms promote physical movement, contributing to students' physical health.
Mental Health: Exposure to nature can reduce stress and improve mental well-being, enhancing students' overall health.

Community and Social Benefits
Community Engagement
: Involving local communities in educational activities strengthens social bonds and encourages communal support for education.
Local Knowledge Integration: Incorporating indigenous knowledge and local expertise enriches the curriculum and promotes cultural heritage.

Skill DevelopmentCritical
Thinking and Problem-solving
: Hands-on STEM activities develop essential skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity.
Collaboration and Teamwork: Group projects and outdoor activities foster teamwork and collaboration among students.

Economic and Developmental Impact
Future Workforce
: Preparing students with STEM skills equips them for future careers in growing fields, contributing to national development.
Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Encouraging innovative thinking can lead to new solutions and entrepreneurial ventures, boosting the local economy.

Adaptability and Resilience
Real-world Preparedness
: Experiential learning in diverse outdoor settings prepares students to adapt and thrive in various real-world situations.Outdoor learning can make education more engaging and enjoyable, increasing students' interest and motivation in STEM subjects.
Hands-on Learning: Practical, real-world applications of STEM concepts help students understand and retain knowledge better.

Environmental Awareness and Stewardship
Connection to Nature
: Students develop a deeper appreciation for the natural environment, fostering a sense of responsibility for its preservation.
Sustainability Practices: Learning about sustainable practices encourages students to adopt eco-friendly habits and advocate for environmental conservation.

Health and Well-being
Physical Activity
: Outdoor classrooms promote physical movement, contributing to students' physical health.
Mental Health: Exposure to nature can reduce stress and improve mental well-being, enhancing students' overall health.

Community and Social Benefits
Community Engagement
: Involving local communities in educational activities strengthens social bonds and encourages communal support for education.
Local Knowledge Integration: Incorporating indigenous knowledge and local expertise enriches the curriculum and promotes cultural heritage.

Skill DevelopmentCritical
Thinking and Problem-solving
: Hands-on STEM activities develop essential skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity.
Collaboration and Teamwork: Group projects and outdoor activities foster teamwork and collaboration among students.

Economic and Developmental Impact
Future Workforce
: Preparing students with STEM skills equips them for future careers in growing fields, contributing to national development.
Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Encouraging innovative thinking can lead to new solutions and entrepreneurial ventures, boosting the local economy.

Adaptability and Resilience
Real-world Preparedness
: Experiential learning in diverse outdoor settings prepares students to adapt and thrive in various real-world situations.


What they learn

Higher participation of girls in STEM activities, helps to bridge the gender gap in STEM education and careers.
We are preparing girls for future careers in STEM fields and green jobs, contributing to the sustainable development of Nepal.